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  • Головна | NGO UNIT v2.0

    Громадська Організація Юніт — неурядова організація, заснована в 2015 році з метою змінити світ на краще разом. Наша діяльність спрямована надихнути молодих людей будувати разом демократичне суспільство в Україні, бути більш соціальними та активними громадянами. Від початку повномасштабного вторгнення, активно включилися у допомогу постраждалим від війни. Розпочали регулярні гуманітарні місії по всій Україні. Також скерували діяльність на підтримку населення в наших Центрах. Our constant partners: Hello! This is the Team We are a team that always strives for new heights and never stops there. Our experts work with inspiration and passion to create solutions that change lives. We are glad to welcome you and are ready to go together to new heights! Olena Manko Founder of NGO Unit Dmytro Tomenko Director of the GO Unit Ilya Zhirikov Head of the Center in Darnytsia Інна Головна юристка Марія Керівниця Центру у Дніпрі Daria Chekurova International project manager Vitaly Chekhmyza Humanitarian direction Daryna Fokina Senior designer, branding Diana Selegheny Junior designer, project communications manager Надія Головний бухгалтер Марія Менеджерка по розвитку організації Olena Manko Founder of NGO Unit Dmytro Tomenko Director of the GO Unit Ilya Zhirikov Head of the Center in Darnytsia Інна Головна юристка Марія Керівниця Центру у Дніпрі Daria Chekurova International project manager Vitaly Chekhmyza Humanitarian direction Daryna Fokina Senior designer, branding Diana Selegheny Junior designer, project communications manager Надія Головний бухгалтер Марія Менеджерка по розвитку організації Olena Manko Founder of NGO Unit Dmytro Tomenko Director of the GO Unit Ilya Zhirikov Head of the Center in Darnytsia Інна Головна юристка Марія Керівниця Центру у Дніпрі Daria Chekurova International project manager Vitaly Chekhmyza Humanitarian direction Daryna Fokina Senior designer, branding Diana Selegheny Junior designer, project communications manager Надія Головний бухгалтер Марія Менеджерка по розвитку організації Non-governmental Organization Unit Let's change the world for the better together! Go Go Go About us NGO "Unit" is a non-governmental organization founded in 2015 with the aim of making the world a better place together. Our activities are focused on inspiring young people to build a democratic society in Ukraine, encouraging them to be more socially engaged and active citizens. Unit is a true platform of opportunities for the youth. Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, we have been actively involved in helping those affected by the war. We have initiated regular humanitarian missions across Ukraine and directed our efforts towards supporting the population through our Centers. Our Values We create a safe and cohesive community where love, care, respect and development reign. By ensuring honesty and responsibility, we work for a better future. Safety Love and care Development Respect Community Responsibility and honesty Building a better future Join Our Values We create a safe and cohesive community where love, care, respect and development reign. By ensuring honesty and responsibility, we work for a better future. Safety Love and care Development Respect Community Responsibility and honesty Building a better future Міжнародні можливості і співпраця Відкрийте для себе волонтерські програми по всьому світу. Співпрацюйте з міжнародними організаціями, обмінюйтеся досвідом і розширюйте свої горизонти через участь у глобальних ініціативах. Юніт Центри підтримки і розвитку Долучайтеся до наших центрів, де волонтери працюють разом задля допомоги громадам. Отримайте підтримку, розвиток навичок та можливість бути частиною ефективних ініціатив на місцевому рівні. Гуманітарні місії Приєднуйтесь до нашої команди на передовій гуманітарної допомоги. Допомагайте постраждалим у кризових ситуаціях, забезпечуючи їх необхідними ресурсами та підтримкою в найскладніші моменти. Humanitarian missions The amount of aid covers cities, towns and villages of regions with IDPs, de-occupied settlements and active combat zones throughout Ukraine. Learn more Humanitarian help Humanitarian mission in Chernihiv region In the urban-type settlement of Berezna, Chernihiv region, over 200 humanitarian aid packages were distributed to families, along with agricultural equipment and 50 pairs of shoes. The humanitarian packages were delivered throughout the settlement to immobile and lonely pensioners. Задонатити Help for children Humanitarian mission in Kharkiv region We handed over 730 packages of goods, 147 warm blankets and 117 pairs of shoes, which we brought primarily to the children. The villages covered were: Vyshneve, Slabunivka, Veselk, Novoselivka, Morozivka, Borodoyarske, Vilkhuvatka, the village of Zalyman, Dovhalivka and the village of Savyntsi. Задонатити Social assistance Humanitarian mission in Kherson region Our the largest mission, because we were able to reach the largest number of families and distribute 2,000 packages and 800 food kits, as well as kits for children's creativity. Задонатити Join us We will be glad to see everyone in our friendly team! Ім'я* Прізвище* Оберіть тип співпраці* Ел. пошта* Яка ваша спеціальність? Напишіть чим ви будете корисним для нашої організації? Надіслати Discover Erasmus+ and ESC with us Unit is a true platform of opportunities for young people. We engage youth in educational projects and exchanges across Europe through the European Union's Erasmus+ and ESC programs. Learn More Unit is a true platform of opportunities for young people. We engage youth in educational projects and exchanges across Europe through the European Union's Erasmus+ and ESC programs. Our Projects Спортивні змагання з вейкбордингу У вейк парку "Блакитне озеро" в Кам'янському пройшли відкриті змагання з вейкбордингу за підтримки NGO UNIT та федерації Вейкбордингу Дніпропетровської області. Участь взяли спортсмени з Дніпра, Запоріжжя, Кам'янського та інші, включаючи як професіоналів, так і початківців. Скаутський наметовий табір Об'єднавши спільні зусилля, команда Юніт у співоорганізації зі Скаутським Об'єднанням "Відрада" та за фінансової підтримки наших партнерів Aktion Deutschland Hilft, TERRA TECH Förderprojekte e.V. провели неймовірну подію літа для дітей — наметовий табір «Піднебесся». Темою табору стали 4 стихії. Створення одягу від людей з інвалідністю Волонтерська організація Юніт спільно з FREEKI створили осмислений одяг для команди. Логотип Юніту, намальований від руки, та підбірка українських пісень з символічними малюнками стали важливими елементами одягу. У результаті ми отримали 20 світшотів, кожен зі своїм текстом та сенсом. Learn more Cooperation projects Learning Values Partner countries: 🇦🇲 Armenia, 🇺🇦 Ukraine, 🇬🇷 Greece, 🇬🇪 Georgia, 🇪🇸 Spain, 🇱🇻 Latvia, 🇵🇱 Poland, Chechnya After the pandemic and the war in Ukraine, new challenges emerged, affecting young people particularly hard, including coping with uncertainty and mental and physical health. To address these issues, this training focused on strengthening personal well-being, supporting others, and exploring the role of youth work in these changing times. In addition to traditional informal methods, the training incorporated outdoor learning through hikes, group challenges, and nature-based activities. The main goals were to: - Share experiences and solutions for well-being, - Reflect on and develop values in youth work, - Learn to design informal educational activities with outdoor elements. After the training in Georgia, participants will apply these skills in their home countries to turn discussed values into real actions for a positive future. Digital Media Tools For Successful Dissemination Partner countries: 🇬🇪 Georgia, 🇮🇹 Italy, 🇭🇷 Croatia, 🇲🇹 Malta, 🇪🇸 Spain, 🇦🇲 Armenia, 🇺🇦 Ukraine, 🇦🇿 Azerbaijan “Digital Media Tools For Successful Dissemination” aims to enhance NGO and social media relations by addressing gaps in project dissemination through innovative social media management. As social media becomes vital for communication, many NGOs struggle with outdated methods, inconsistent updates, and poor engagement. This project focuses on empowering NGOs with skills in social media management, content creation, and effective dissemination strategies to improve outreach and project impact. Key objectives include: - Enhancing NGOs' ability to disseminate projects effectively - Developing social media management skills - Promoting non-formal learning and intercultural exchange - Exploring innovative content creation and ad tools - Strengthening media communication skills among NGO workers. The planned activity focuses on overcoming partner organizations' obstacles in disseminating their actions on social media. Participants will include NGO members, youth workers, trainers, and project managers responsible for their organization's social media and eager to learn effective dissemination tools. CIRI–Cooperation for Improved Refugee Integration Guide_&_Activity_Toolbox.pdf Partner countries:🇬🇷 Greece, 🇫🇷 France, 🇺🇦 Ukraine, 🇹🇷 Turkiye, 🇪🇬 Egypt, 🇱🇹 Lithuania, 🇪🇸 Spain, +7 more The project, held for the third time at the "Youth Center Epirus" in Ioannina, Greece, aims to improve the integration process of refugees, asylum seekers, and internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the communities where they currently reside, a topic that is highly relevant for Ukraine. The main focus of the training was their involvement in youth work and volunteering, with a special emphasis on the safety and protection of minors. Participants shared their experiences of working or volunteering with these groups, learned about best practices from experienced organizations in this field, and took part in group discussions and activities, such as using theatrical methods in their work. Based on one of the training courses conducted, an introductory guide and toolbox for non-formal education were created for those working with teenage and young adult refugees, asylum seekers, and displaced persons. This guide was developed by 48 participants during the "Cooperation for Improved Refugee Integration, Vol. 2" training course, in 2022. The proposed activities are best practices that can be easily adapted to the needs and realities of the people you work with. Youth Advisory Boards for Peace Partner countries: 🇮🇹 Italy, 🇭🇺Hungary, 🇳🇱 The Netherlands, 🇦🇲 Armenia , 🇬🇪 Georgia, 🇺🇦 Ukraine The project aims to empower young people as key contributors to peacebuilding by enhancing the capacities of youth-led organizations in developing sustainable initiatives for local youth participation in policy development and peace advocacy, in line with UNSCR 2250. It involves partners from six countries, focusing on increasing youth leaders' competences, raising awareness, and fostering cross-border cooperation. Key outcomes include the creation of Youth Advisory Boards for Peace in three EaP communities and the strengthening of collaboration between EU and EaP partners. Share your peace Ukrainian_Share_Your_Peace.pdf Partner countries: 🇩🇪 Germany 🇬🇪 Georgia 🇺🇦 Ukraine 🇪🇸 Spain The project aimed to provide youth workers with skills and tools to enable young people to become agents of peaceful change through community initiatives. The project's resources are available as open educational resources (OERs). Key activities included developing the project website and an online platform with training materials, conducting dissemination and communication efforts, organizing a training event in Spain for 16 youth workers, and arranging local conferences to present the project's results. Need for Lead Partner countries: 🇪🇸 Spain, 🇩🇪 Germany, 🇷🇴 Romania, 🇭🇺 Hungary "Need for Lead," which focuses on supporting people with disabilities and their families in managing mental health challenges post-COVID-19. The pandemic has had a severe impact, especially on marginalized groups. Families of people with disabilities have faced job losses and mental health struggles due to caregiving responsibilities during and after lockdowns. "Need for Lead" has two main goals: 1. Mental Health Support: Develop a guide to help family members of people with disabilities adapt mentally. Based on this guide, we'll train local mentors to run pilot activities in each partner country. 2. Digital Skills Development: Train families and individuals with disabilities in digital skills to help them find online work, offering the flexibility they need given their circumstances. Need For Lead - Online Guide Need For Lead - Website Our Locations Darnytsia Center Center for comprehensive social and psychological support for families. More Dnipro Center A youth space for development and initiatives, where everyone can find themselves and reveal their potential. More Let's change the world for the better together! Ukraine, Kyiv, str. Simyrenko, 34, office 154 Darnytsia Center Podil Center Dnipro Center Main Erasmus + Volunteering Cooperation © 2035 by Business Name. Made with Wix Studio™ About us About us NGO "Unit" is a non-governmental organization founded in 2015 with the aim of making the world a better place together. Our activities are focused on inspiring young people to build a democratic society in Ukraine, encouraging them to be more socially engaged and active citizens. Unit is a true platform of opportunities for the youth. Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, we have been actively involved in helping those affected by the war. We have initiated regular humanitarian missions across Ukraine and directed our efforts towards supporting the population through our Centers. Join Our Values We create a safe and cohesive community where love, care, respect and development reign. By ensuring honesty and responsibility, we work for a better future. Safety Love and care Development Respect Community Responsibility and honesty Building a better future

  • Юніт Центр Дарниця | NGO UNIT v2.0

    Families Kids Women About us In our Center, a wide range of services is offered, allowing everyone to choose the right support for themselves. We provide families with humanitarian aid, organize children's leisure activities, health events, and psychological sessions. Additionally, we host annual themed family celebrations. Services Unit Center in Darnytsia Center for сomprehensive Social and Psychological іupport for Families. Get in touch Employees of the "Darnytsia" Center A team of professionals who believe in the power of cooperation and innovation. Each of us strives to achieve excellence in our field to provide you with the best service and assistance. Sign up Ilya Zhirikov Head of the Center in Darnytsia Anton Grigorov Social worker Юлія Адміністраторка центру Victoria Kovalska Psychologist Olena Orlyk English teacher Yaroslav Paraska Masseur Anastasia Pyzhevska Speech therapist-defectologist Olga Tsmok Organizer of creative master classes for children Ilya Zhirikov Head of the Center in Darnytsia Anton Grigorov Social worker Юлія Адміністраторка центру Victoria Kovalska Psychologist Olena Orlyk English teacher Yaroslav Paraska Masseur Anastasia Pyzhevska Speech therapist-defectologist Olga Tsmok Organizer of creative master classes for children Ilya Zhirikov Head of the Center in Darnytsia Anton Grigorov Social worker Юлія Адміністраторка центру Victoria Kovalska Psychologist Olena Orlyk English teacher Yaroslav Paraska Masseur Anastasia Pyzhevska Speech therapist-defectologist Olga Tsmok Organizer of creative master classes for children Ilya Zhirikov Head of the Center in Darnytsia Anton Grigorov Social worker Юлія Адміністраторка центру Victoria Kovalska Psychologist Olena Orlyk English teacher Yaroslav Paraska Masseur Anastasia Pyzhevska Speech therapist-defectologist Olga Tsmok Organizer of creative master classes for children Children's recreation program ‘Under the Yellow Panama’ Thanks to the support of our German partners, we were able to organize a children's summer camp called "Under the Yellow Panama." The program took place on the picturesque banks of the Kozynka River in the Kyiv region. The theme of our camp was emotions, and we brought together 57 children, including internally displaced persons and affected by the war, along with a dedicated team that created bright moments for them. For 10 days, we explored the world of feelings, made new friends, and enjoyed life in tents. Psychological circles, creative workshops, quests, and evening performances became an integral part of our camp life. The self-governance day, costume parade, and economic game gave all participants unforgettable experiences and plenty of joy. Psychological therapy (group and individual) Children's day camps Preschool learning Classes with a speech therapist Yoga and joint gymnastics English conversation club Wellness massage Children's leisure time groups Youth club Holiday interactive and family-type entertainment events Let's change the world for the better together! Ukraine, Kyiv, str. Simyrenko, 34, office 154 Center Darnytsia Center Division Center of Dnipro Main Erasmus + Volunteering Cooperation © 2035 by Business Name. Made with Wix Studio™ Contacts Kyiv, Novo-Darnytska, 26, building 2 +38-097-724-51-07

  • Міжнародні можливості | NGO UNIT v2.0

    Empowering youth for a better future Our public organization develops the potential of young people through Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps projects. We believe in the power of international experience, volunteering and intercultural exchanges. Our public organization develops the potential of young people through Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps projects. We believe in the power of international experience, volunteering and intercultural exchanges. Guide Learn more Cooperation projects Learning Values Partner countries: 🇦🇲 Armenia, 🇺🇦 Ukraine, 🇬🇷 Greece, 🇬🇪 Georgia, 🇪🇸 Spain, 🇱🇻 Latvia, 🇵🇱 Poland, Chechnya After the pandemic and the war in Ukraine, new challenges emerged, affecting young people particularly hard, including coping with uncertainty and mental and physical health. To address these issues, this training focused on strengthening personal well-being, supporting others, and exploring the role of youth work in these changing times. In addition to traditional informal methods, the training incorporated outdoor learning through hikes, group challenges, and nature-based activities. The main goals were to: - Share experiences and solutions for well-being, - Reflect on and develop values in youth work, - Learn to design informal educational activities with outdoor elements. After the training in Georgia, participants will apply these skills in their home countries to turn discussed values into real actions for a positive future. Digital Media Tools For Successful Dissemination Partner countries: 🇬🇪 Georgia, 🇮🇹 Italy, 🇭🇷 Croatia, 🇲🇹 Malta, 🇪🇸 Spain, 🇦🇲 Armenia, 🇺🇦 Ukraine, 🇦🇿 Azerbaijan “Digital Media Tools For Successful Dissemination” aims to enhance NGO and social media relations by addressing gaps in project dissemination through innovative social media management. As social media becomes vital for communication, many NGOs struggle with outdated methods, inconsistent updates, and poor engagement. This project focuses on empowering NGOs with skills in social media management, content creation, and effective dissemination strategies to improve outreach and project impact. Key objectives include: - Enhancing NGOs' ability to disseminate projects effectively - Developing social media management skills - Promoting non-formal learning and intercultural exchange - Exploring innovative content creation and ad tools - Strengthening media communication skills among NGO workers. The planned activity focuses on overcoming partner organizations' obstacles in disseminating their actions on social media. Participants will include NGO members, youth workers, trainers, and project managers responsible for their organization's social media and eager to learn effective dissemination tools. CIRI–Cooperation for Improved Refugee Integration Guide_&_Activity_Toolbox.pdf Partner countries:🇬🇷 Greece, 🇫🇷 France, 🇺🇦 Ukraine, 🇹🇷 Turkiye, 🇪🇬 Egypt, 🇱🇹 Lithuania, 🇪🇸 Spain, +7 more The project, held for the third time at the "Youth Center Epirus" in Ioannina, Greece, aims to improve the integration process of refugees, asylum seekers, and internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the communities where they currently reside, a topic that is highly relevant for Ukraine. The main focus of the training was their involvement in youth work and volunteering, with a special emphasis on the safety and protection of minors. Participants shared their experiences of working or volunteering with these groups, learned about best practices from experienced organizations in this field, and took part in group discussions and activities, such as using theatrical methods in their work. Based on one of the training courses conducted, an introductory guide and toolbox for non-formal education were created for those working with teenage and young adult refugees, asylum seekers, and displaced persons. This guide was developed by 48 participants during the "Cooperation for Improved Refugee Integration, Vol. 2" training course, in 2022. The proposed activities are best practices that can be easily adapted to the needs and realities of the people you work with. Youth Advisory Boards for Peace Partner countries: 🇮🇹 Italy, 🇭🇺Hungary, 🇳🇱 The Netherlands, 🇦🇲 Armenia , 🇬🇪 Georgia, 🇺🇦 Ukraine The project aims to empower young people as key contributors to peacebuilding by enhancing the capacities of youth-led organizations in developing sustainable initiatives for local youth participation in policy development and peace advocacy, in line with UNSCR 2250. It involves partners from six countries, focusing on increasing youth leaders' competences, raising awareness, and fostering cross-border cooperation. Key outcomes include the creation of Youth Advisory Boards for Peace in three EaP communities and the strengthening of collaboration between EU and EaP partners. Share your peace Ukrainian_Share_Your_Peace.pdf Partner countries: 🇩🇪 Germany 🇬🇪 Georgia 🇺🇦 Ukraine 🇪🇸 Spain The project aimed to provide youth workers with skills and tools to enable young people to become agents of peaceful change through community initiatives. The project's resources are available as open educational resources (OERs). Key activities included developing the project website and an online platform with training materials, conducting dissemination and communication efforts, organizing a training event in Spain for 16 youth workers, and arranging local conferences to present the project's results. Need for Lead Partner countries: 🇪🇸 Spain, 🇩🇪 Germany, 🇷🇴 Romania, 🇭🇺 Hungary "Need for Lead," which focuses on supporting people with disabilities and their families in managing mental health challenges post-COVID-19. The pandemic has had a severe impact, especially on marginalized groups. Families of people with disabilities have faced job losses and mental health struggles due to caregiving responsibilities during and after lockdowns. "Need for Lead" has two main goals: 1. Mental Health Support: Develop a guide to help family members of people with disabilities adapt mentally. Based on this guide, we'll train local mentors to run pilot activities in each partner country. 2. Digital Skills Development: Train families and individuals with disabilities in digital skills to help them find online work, offering the flexibility they need given their circumstances. Need For Lead - Online Guide Need For Lead - Website 10 steps to get into an international project Learn more Cooperation projects Learning Values Partner countries: 🇦🇲 Armenia, 🇺🇦 Ukraine, 🇬🇷 Greece, 🇬🇪 Georgia, 🇪🇸 Spain, 🇱🇻 Latvia, 🇵🇱 Poland, Chechnya After the pandemic and the war in Ukraine, new challenges emerged, affecting young people particularly hard, including coping with uncertainty and mental and physical health. To address these issues, this training focused on strengthening personal well-being, supporting others, and exploring the role of youth work in these changing times. In addition to traditional informal methods, the training incorporated outdoor learning through hikes, group challenges, and nature-based activities. The main goals were to: - Share experiences and solutions for well-being, - Reflect on and develop values in youth work, - Learn to design informal educational activities with outdoor elements. After the training in Georgia, participants will apply these skills in their home countries to turn discussed values into real actions for a positive future. Digital Media Tools For Successful Dissemination Partner countries: 🇬🇪 Georgia, 🇮🇹 Italy, 🇭🇷 Croatia, 🇲🇹 Malta, 🇪🇸 Spain, 🇦🇲 Armenia, 🇺🇦 Ukraine, 🇦🇿 Azerbaijan “Digital Media Tools For Successful Dissemination” aims to enhance NGO and social media relations by addressing gaps in project dissemination through innovative social media management. As social media becomes vital for communication, many NGOs struggle with outdated methods, inconsistent updates, and poor engagement. This project focuses on empowering NGOs with skills in social media management, content creation, and effective dissemination strategies to improve outreach and project impact. Key objectives include: - Enhancing NGOs' ability to disseminate projects effectively - Developing social media management skills - Promoting non-formal learning and intercultural exchange - Exploring innovative content creation and ad tools - Strengthening media communication skills among NGO workers. The planned activity focuses on overcoming partner organizations' obstacles in disseminating their actions on social media. Participants will include NGO members, youth workers, trainers, and project managers responsible for their organization's social media and eager to learn effective dissemination tools. CIRI–Cooperation for Improved Refugee Integration Guide_&_Activity_Toolbox.pdf Partner countries:🇬🇷 Greece, 🇫🇷 France, 🇺🇦 Ukraine, 🇹🇷 Turkiye, 🇪🇬 Egypt, 🇱🇹 Lithuania, 🇪🇸 Spain, +7 more The project, held for the third time at the "Youth Center Epirus" in Ioannina, Greece, aims to improve the integration process of refugees, asylum seekers, and internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the communities where they currently reside, a topic that is highly relevant for Ukraine. The main focus of the training was their involvement in youth work and volunteering, with a special emphasis on the safety and protection of minors. Participants shared their experiences of working or volunteering with these groups, learned about best practices from experienced organizations in this field, and took part in group discussions and activities, such as using theatrical methods in their work. Based on one of the training courses conducted, an introductory guide and toolbox for non-formal education were created for those working with teenage and young adult refugees, asylum seekers, and displaced persons. This guide was developed by 48 participants during the "Cooperation for Improved Refugee Integration, Vol. 2" training course, in 2022. The proposed activities are best practices that can be easily adapted to the needs and realities of the people you work with. Youth Advisory Boards for Peace Partner countries: 🇮🇹 Italy, 🇭🇺Hungary, 🇳🇱 The Netherlands, 🇦🇲 Armenia , 🇬🇪 Georgia, 🇺🇦 Ukraine The project aims to empower young people as key contributors to peacebuilding by enhancing the capacities of youth-led organizations in developing sustainable initiatives for local youth participation in policy development and peace advocacy, in line with UNSCR 2250. It involves partners from six countries, focusing on increasing youth leaders' competences, raising awareness, and fostering cross-border cooperation. Key outcomes include the creation of Youth Advisory Boards for Peace in three EaP communities and the strengthening of collaboration between EU and EaP partners. Share your peace Ukrainian_Share_Your_Peace.pdf Partner countries: 🇩🇪 Germany 🇬🇪 Georgia 🇺🇦 Ukraine 🇪🇸 Spain The project aimed to provide youth workers with skills and tools to enable young people to become agents of peaceful change through community initiatives. The project's resources are available as open educational resources (OERs). Key activities included developing the project website and an online platform with training materials, conducting dissemination and communication efforts, organizing a training event in Spain for 16 youth workers, and arranging local conferences to present the project's results. Need for Lead Partner countries: 🇪🇸 Spain, 🇩🇪 Germany, 🇷🇴 Romania, 🇭🇺 Hungary "Need for Lead," which focuses on supporting people with disabilities and their families in managing mental health challenges post-COVID-19. The pandemic has had a severe impact, especially on marginalized groups. Families of people with disabilities have faced job losses and mental health struggles due to caregiving responsibilities during and after lockdowns. "Need for Lead" has two main goals: 1. Mental Health Support: Develop a guide to help family members of people with disabilities adapt mentally. Based on this guide, we'll train local mentors to run pilot activities in each partner country. 2. Digital Skills Development: Train families and individuals with disabilities in digital skills to help them find online work, offering the flexibility they need given their circumstances. Need For Lead - Online Guide Need For Lead - Website Participant feedback Feedback from our students is the best confirmation of the quality of our work. We are proud of the successes of our students and are always happy with their achievements. Read their stories and learn how our courses helped them change their lives for the better. Denys Marakhovskyi Participant of the Erasmus+ project I took part in my third Erasmus+ youth exchange "Art of Wellbeing" from 26/04-06/05/2024 in the Netherlands. The project aimed at social inclusion of people with disabilities and attracted 50 participants from different countries, such as Ukraine, Romania, Georgia, Azerbaijan, France, the Netherlands, Tunisia and Israel. My expectations regarding the study of social inclusion and personal well-being were fully met. Talking to great people like Mohamed Maher, Ali Gurbanli and others made this project unforgettable. Denys Marakhovskyi Participant of the Erasmus+ project I took part in my third Erasmus+ youth exchange "Art of Wellbeing" from 26/04-06/05/2024 in the Netherlands. The project aimed at social inclusion of people with disabilities and attracted 50 participants from different countries, such as Ukraine, Romania, Georgia, Azerbaijan, France, the Netherlands, Tunisia and Israel. My expectations regarding the study of social inclusion and personal well-being were fully met. Talking to great people like Mohamed Maher, Ali Gurbanli and others made this project unforgettable. Denys Marakhovskyi Participant of the Erasmus+ project I took part in my third Erasmus+ youth exchange "Art of Wellbeing" from 26/04-06/05/2024 in the Netherlands. The project aimed at social inclusion of people with disabilities and attracted 50 participants from different countries, such as Ukraine, Romania, Georgia, Azerbaijan, France, the Netherlands, Tunisia and Israel. My expectations regarding the study of social inclusion and personal well-being were fully met. Talking to great people like Mohamed Maher, Ali Gurbanli and others made this project unforgettable. Join us We will be glad to see everyone in our friendly team! Instagram Facebook Telegram Hyde We work for a better future! Ukraine, Kyiv, str. Simyrenko, 34, office 154 Darnytsia Center Podil Center Dnipro Center Main Erasmus + Volunteering Cooperation © 2035 by Business Name. Made with Wix Studio™ About Erasmus + With the support of partners, we continue to create humanitarian missions throughout Ukraine. We help vulnerable segments of the population - IDPs, lonely older people, families with children. Learn More Learn more Cooperation projects Learning Values Partner countries: 🇦🇲 Armenia, 🇺🇦 Ukraine, 🇬🇷 Greece, 🇬🇪 Georgia, 🇪🇸 Spain, 🇱🇻 Latvia, 🇵🇱 Poland, Chechnya After the pandemic and the war in Ukraine, new challenges emerged, affecting young people particularly hard, including coping with uncertainty and mental and physical health. To address these issues, this training focused on strengthening personal well-being, supporting others, and exploring the role of youth work in these changing times. In addition to traditional informal methods, the training incorporated outdoor learning through hikes, group challenges, and nature-based activities. The main goals were to: - Share experiences and solutions for well-being, - Reflect on and develop values in youth work, - Learn to design informal educational activities with outdoor elements. After the training in Georgia, participants will apply these skills in their home countries to turn discussed values into real actions for a positive future. Digital Media Tools For Successful Dissemination Partner countries: 🇬🇪 Georgia, 🇮🇹 Italy, 🇭🇷 Croatia, 🇲🇹 Malta, 🇪🇸 Spain, 🇦🇲 Armenia, 🇺🇦 Ukraine, 🇦🇿 Azerbaijan “Digital Media Tools For Successful Dissemination” aims to enhance NGO and social media relations by addressing gaps in project dissemination through innovative social media management. As social media becomes vital for communication, many NGOs struggle with outdated methods, inconsistent updates, and poor engagement. This project focuses on empowering NGOs with skills in social media management, content creation, and effective dissemination strategies to improve outreach and project impact. Key objectives include: - Enhancing NGOs' ability to disseminate projects effectively - Developing social media management skills - Promoting non-formal learning and intercultural exchange - Exploring innovative content creation and ad tools - Strengthening media communication skills among NGO workers. The planned activity focuses on overcoming partner organizations' obstacles in disseminating their actions on social media. Participants will include NGO members, youth workers, trainers, and project managers responsible for their organization's social media and eager to learn effective dissemination tools. CIRI–Cooperation for Improved Refugee Integration Guide_&_Activity_Toolbox.pdf Partner countries:🇬🇷 Greece, 🇫🇷 France, 🇺🇦 Ukraine, 🇹🇷 Turkiye, 🇪🇬 Egypt, 🇱🇹 Lithuania, 🇪🇸 Spain, +7 more The project, held for the third time at the "Youth Center Epirus" in Ioannina, Greece, aims to improve the integration process of refugees, asylum seekers, and internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the communities where they currently reside, a topic that is highly relevant for Ukraine. The main focus of the training was their involvement in youth work and volunteering, with a special emphasis on the safety and protection of minors. Participants shared their experiences of working or volunteering with these groups, learned about best practices from experienced organizations in this field, and took part in group discussions and activities, such as using theatrical methods in their work. Based on one of the training courses conducted, an introductory guide and toolbox for non-formal education were created for those working with teenage and young adult refugees, asylum seekers, and displaced persons. This guide was developed by 48 participants during the "Cooperation for Improved Refugee Integration, Vol. 2" training course, in 2022. The proposed activities are best practices that can be easily adapted to the needs and realities of the people you work with. Youth Advisory Boards for Peace Partner countries: 🇮🇹 Italy, 🇭🇺Hungary, 🇳🇱 The Netherlands, 🇦🇲 Armenia , 🇬🇪 Georgia, 🇺🇦 Ukraine The project aims to empower young people as key contributors to peacebuilding by enhancing the capacities of youth-led organizations in developing sustainable initiatives for local youth participation in policy development and peace advocacy, in line with UNSCR 2250. It involves partners from six countries, focusing on increasing youth leaders' competences, raising awareness, and fostering cross-border cooperation. Key outcomes include the creation of Youth Advisory Boards for Peace in three EaP communities and the strengthening of collaboration between EU and EaP partners. Share your peace Ukrainian_Share_Your_Peace.pdf Partner countries: 🇩🇪 Germany 🇬🇪 Georgia 🇺🇦 Ukraine 🇪🇸 Spain The project aimed to provide youth workers with skills and tools to enable young people to become agents of peaceful change through community initiatives. The project's resources are available as open educational resources (OERs). Key activities included developing the project website and an online platform with training materials, conducting dissemination and communication efforts, organizing a training event in Spain for 16 youth workers, and arranging local conferences to present the project's results. Need for Lead Partner countries: 🇪🇸 Spain, 🇩🇪 Germany, 🇷🇴 Romania, 🇭🇺 Hungary "Need for Lead," which focuses on supporting people with disabilities and their families in managing mental health challenges post-COVID-19. The pandemic has had a severe impact, especially on marginalized groups. Families of people with disabilities have faced job losses and mental health struggles due to caregiving responsibilities during and after lockdowns. "Need for Lead" has two main goals: 1. Mental Health Support: Develop a guide to help family members of people with disabilities adapt mentally. Based on this guide, we'll train local mentors to run pilot activities in each partner country. 2. Digital Skills Development: Train families and individuals with disabilities in digital skills to help them find online work, offering the flexibility they need given their circumstances. Need For Lead - Online Guide Need For Lead - Website

  • Юніт Центр Дніпро | NGO UNIT v2.0

    Unit Center in Dnipro A youth space for development and initiatives, where everyone can find themselves and reveal their potential. We create an inclusive environment where everyone can find support and inspiration to achieve their goals. Get in touch About us Women Families At the Unit Center, located in Dnipro, we actively implement educational programs that include courses in media literacy and programming, opening doors for young participants to the world of digital technologies. Our English and Ukrainian conversation clubs also help improve language skills and build confidence in communication. To support mental health, the Center organizes art therapy sessions with a psychologist, helping children express their emotions and reduce stress. Additionally, sports activities, including wakeboarding, contribute to physical development and teamwork. Services Employees of the "Dnipro" Center A team of professionals who believe in the power of cooperation and innovation. Each of us strives to achieve excellence in our field to provide you with the best service and assistance. Sign up Mary Youth worker Catherine Content maker Katya Administrator Power Psychologist Інна Юристка Ірина Відповідальна по гуманітарним напрямкам Херсонської області Mary Youth worker Catherine Content maker Katya Administrator Power Psychologist Інна Юристка Ірина Відповідальна по гуманітарним напрямкам Херсонської області Mary Youth worker Catherine Content maker Katya Administrator Power Psychologist Інна Юристка Ірина Відповідальна по гуманітарним напрямкам Херсонської області Mary Youth worker Catherine Content maker Katya Administrator Power Psychologist Інна Юристка Ірина Відповідальна по гуманітарним напрямкам Херсонської області Mary Youth worker Catherine Content maker Katya Administrator Power Psychologist Інна Юристка Ірина Відповідальна по гуманітарним напрямкам Херсонської області Programming and graphic design courses Business trainings from leading speakers Legal consultations Psychological consultations Mentoring programs Creative master classes, film screenings and art coaching English and Ukrainian speaking clubs Career counseling and development of financial skills Financial literacy, negotiation and building business partnerships Financial literacy, negotiation and building business partnerships Contacts M. Dnipro, Street Dmytro Dontsova, 3 +38-093-445-93-34 Let's change the world for the better together! Ukraine, Kyiv, str. Simyrenko, 34, office 154 Center Darnytsia Center Division Center of Dnipro Main Erasmus + Volunteering Cooperation © 2035 by Business Name. Made with Wix Studio™

  • Співпраця | NGO UNIT v2.0

    Main Erasmus + Volunteering Cooperation Locations We want to grow and bring cool ideas to life. Are you an organization or community in need of support or looking to implement beneficial ideas? Do you want to become partners and create a meaningful project together? We are always ready to join in and help with the implementation. Here are some of our recently completed joint projects. Join Us Collaboration that changes the world About us NGO "Unit" is a non-governmental organization founded in 2015 with the aim of changing the world for the better together. Our activity is aimed at inspiring young people to build a democratic society in Ukraine together, to be more social and active citizens. Join Us Networking with other organizations Participation in international projects Social support of the population Youth Centers of initiative and development Volunteering Our Values We create a safe and cohesive community where love, care, respect and development reign. By ensuring honesty and responsibility, we work for a better future. Safety Love and care Development Respect Community Responsibility and honesty Building a better future Our Projects Wakeboarding sports competitions Open wakeboarding competitions were held in the wake park "Blue Lake" in Kamianskiy with the support of NGO UNIT and the Wakeboarding Federation of the Dnipro Region. Athletes from Dnipro, Zaporizhzhia, Kamiansk and others took part, including both professionals and beginners. Scout tent camp By joining forces, the Unit team, in co-organization with the Scout Association "Vidrada" and with the financial support of our partners Aktion Deutschland Hilft, TERRA TECH Förderprojekte eV, held an incredible summer event for children - the "Pydnebessya" tent camp. The theme of the camp was 4 elements. Creation of clothes from people with disabilities Volunteer organization Unit together with FREEKI created meaningful clothing for the team. The logo of Unit, drawn by hand, and a selection of Ukrainian songs with symbolic drawings became important elements of clothing. As a result, we got 20 sweatshirts, each with its own text and meaning. We live with the Goal Ready to help? Join us to make the world a better place! Join For partners If you want to become our partner, fill out the form Ім'я* Прізвище* Оберіть тип співпраці* Ел. пошта* Яка ваша спеціальність? Напишіть чим ви будете корисним для нашої організації? Надіслати We work for a better future! Ukraine, Kyiv, str. Simyrenko, 34, office 154 Darnytsia Center Podil Center Dnipro Center Main Erasmus + Volunteering Cooperation © 2035 by Business Name. Made with Wix Studio™

  • Гуманітарні місії | NGO UNIT v2.0

    Humanitarian missions with Unit Regular humanitarian missions to cities and towns of regions with IDPs, de-occupied settlements and zones of active hostilities Donate We help people all over Ukraine Our volunteers helped in the evacuation, deliver humanitarian packages in regular missions and meet the needs of thousands of families, children and the elderly. The amount of aid covers cities and towns of regions with IDPs, de-occupied settlements and zones of active hostilities. We Are Donating To support those who need help. We direct part of the funds to charity and social projects that make the world a better place. Let's volunteer Because we believe that together we can change the world for the better. Our team actively participates in various charity projects, helping those in need. We do good things Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine, we have also directed our efforts to help those affected by the war. Since then, we have received support from our German partners Aktion Deutschland Hilft and TERRA TECH Förderprojekte e. V. and were able to expand and open 3 social assistance Centers for families, 2 in Kyiv and 1 in Dnipro. Become a volunteer Humanitarian missions The amount of assistance covers cities and towns of regions with IDPs, de-occupied settlements and zones of active hostilities throughout Ukraine. Humanitarian help Humanitarian mission in Chernihiv region In the urban-type settlement of Berezna, Chernihiv region, over 200 humanitarian aid packages were distributed to families, along with agricultural equipment and 50 pairs of shoes. The humanitarian packages were delivered throughout the settlement to immobile and lonely pensioners. Donate Help for children Humanitarian mission in Kharkiv region We handed over 730 packages of goods, 147 warm blankets and 117 pairs of shoes, which we brought primarily to the children. The villages covered were: Vyshneve, Slabunivka, Veselk, Novoselivka, Morozivka, Borodoyarske, Vilkhuvatka, the village of Zalyman, Dovhalivka and the village of Savyntsi. Donate Social assistance Humanitarian mission in the Kherson region Our the largest mission, because we were able to reach the largest number of families and distribute 2,000 packages and 800 food kits, as well as kits for children's creativity. Donate We live with Tsilla Ready to help? Join us to make the world a better place! Join Us Monobank Допомогти By details (€) Показати реквізити By details (€) Показати реквізити 1 2 3 4 Bank details You can help Ukraine now even by donating 8 hryvnias. Everything starts small. *We provide many possible donation options We work for a better future! Ukraine, Kyiv, str. Simyrenko, 34, office 154 Darnytsia Center Podil Center Dnipro Center Main Erasmus + Volunteering Cooperation © 2035 by Business Name. Made with Wix Studio™ Humanitarian missions The amount of assistance covers cities and towns of regions with IDPs, de-occupied settlements and zones of active hostilities throughout Ukraine. Гуманітарна допомога Гуманітарна місія у Чернігівській області У селищі міського типу Березна, Чернігівської області передали понад 200 пакунків гуманітарної допомоги для родин, обладнання для ведення сільського господарства та 50 пар взуття. Розвезти по всьому селищу гуманітарні пакунки для маломобільних та самотніх пенсіонерів. Задонатити Допомога дітям Гуманітарна місія у Харківській області Передали 730 пакунків зі смаколиками, 147 теплих пледів та 117 пар взуття, які ми перш за все привезли дітям. Охопили села: Вишневе, Слабунівка, Веселк, Новоселівка, Морозівка, Бородоярське, Вільхуватка, село Залиман, Довгалівка та смт Савинці. Задонатити Соціальна допомога Гуманітарна місія у Херсонській області Наймаштабніша місія, адже ми змогли охопити найбільшу кількість родин і роздати 2000 пакунків та 800 продуктових наборів, а також набори для дитячої творчості. Задонатити Монобанк (банка) Допомогти За реквізитами (€) Показати реквізити За реквізитами (€) Показати реквізити 1 2 3 4 Bank details You can help Ukraine now even by donating 8 hryvnias. Everything starts small. *We provide many possible donation options

  • Юніт Центр Поділ | NGO UNIT v2.0

    Unit Center in Podil Center for support and development of all segments of the population. Psychological group and individual meetings, workshops and master classes based on interests. Get in touch About us Kids Women Families In our Center, we host a variety of educational and developmental events. You can attend psychological sessions led by specialists with their own patented techniques, unlock your potential in creative workshops, and immerse yourself in the world of tabletop role-playing games. Unit Center is a space of opportunities and transformation. Services Employees of the "Podil" Center A team of professionals who believe in the power of cooperation and innovation. Each of us strives to achieve excellence in our field to provide you with the best service and assistance. Sign up Marina Kiyan Administrator of the Center in Podil Yulia Belinska Family psychologist, psychotherapist Leah Galan Curator of the youth direction Vera Mosina Organizer of youth creative directions and teacher Iryna Boltunova Psychologist and psychotherapist Marina Kiyan Administrator of the Center in Podil Yulia Belinska Family psychologist, psychotherapist Leah Galan Curator of the youth direction Vera Mosina Organizer of youth creative directions and teacher Iryna Boltunova Psychologist and psychotherapist Marina Kiyan Administrator of the Center in Podil Yulia Belinska Family psychologist, psychotherapist Leah Galan Curator of the youth direction Vera Mosina Organizer of youth creative directions and teacher Iryna Boltunova Psychologist and psychotherapist Marina Kiyan Administrator of the Center in Podil Yulia Belinska Family psychologist, psychotherapist Leah Galan Curator of the youth direction Vera Mosina Organizer of youth creative directions and teacher Iryna Boltunova Psychologist and psychotherapist Marina Kiyan Administrator of the Center in Podil Yulia Belinska Family psychologist, psychotherapist Leah Galan Curator of the youth direction Vera Mosina Organizer of youth creative directions and teacher Iryna Boltunova Psychologist and psychotherapist Marina Kiyan Administrator of the Center in Podil Yulia Belinska Family psychologist, psychotherapist Leah Galan Curator of the youth direction Vera Mosina Organizer of youth creative directions and teacher Iryna Boltunova Psychologist and psychotherapist Psychotherapy for adults and children Personal child development programs "School of open dialogue" for young people Acting skills and working with the camera Art therapy circles Design, creating your own style "Movie Clubs" and "Book Lovers" Transformational women's club Physical practices. Yoga. Dancing Board games club Our Contacts Kyiv, str. Horyva 39-41 (entrance from Horyva St.) +38-097-710-81-26 Let's change the world for the better together! Ukraine, Kyiv, str. Simyrenko, 34, office 154 Center Darnytsia Center Podil Center Dnipro Main Erasmus + Volunteering Cooperation © 2035 by Business Name. Made with Wix Studio™

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